Really enjoyed staying here during the tour schedule, have n
Turbstructor , Tripadvisor
Korea, Democratic People Republic of , 09 January, 2019
- 패키지 투어로 캄보디아에 숙박하였을 때 묵었던 호텔입니다 - 호텔 조식(이 부분이 제일 인상적이었습니다), 침실, 화장실, 냉/난방 시설, Wi-Fi, 직원들, 어느 것 할 것 없이 더할 나위 없이 좋았습니다. - Free Wi-Fi는 생각보다 답답한 감이 적잖게 있었습니다만, 일반 Wi-Fi는 로그인만 하면 쓰는데 별 불편함을 겪지 않았습니다. 다른 데 갔다 와서 다시 쓰려고 하면 해당 페이지를 '찾아가야 하는' 상황이 생기긴 하지만 말입니다. 송년 갈라 디너 쇼(의무 참석)는 정말 좋았습니다 프로그램도 좋았지만 거기서 제공했던 음식들도 맛있었어요. 여행 일정
때문에 새해 카운트다운까지 못 세고 일찍 들어와야 했던 게 아쉬웠습니다. 프론트 직원들은 영어를 할 수 있으며 상당히 친절합니다. 다른 직원들도 친절합니다만, 영어에 능숙하지 않은지 확인해야 했었습니다(몇몇이 영어를 잘 모르더라구요) 호텔이 너무 넓어 모든 곳을 다 보진 못했습니다 (수영장, 사우나 등등. 호텔 내 매점이 있었단 사실도 일정 마지막 날에 알았습니다). 후에 다시 캄보디아에 들르게 된다면 여기에서 다시 묵으면서 못 봤던/들렀던 시설들을 보고 싶습니다. 전반적으로 흠잡을 데가 없는 호텔입니다. 정말 여행기간 동안 편히 쉴 수 있었어요. /// - Visited here during the 'package tour' in Cambodia - Liked all of it: hotel breakfast(the most impressive thing I have experienced here), rooms(bedroom, toilet), air conditioning system, Wi-Fi, and every people working here. - SOKHA FREE WIFI was somehow stuffy to use, but SOKHA WIFI was really fast and stable once I signed in. One thing to say: had to 'look for' the sign-in page when reconnecting to this Wi-Fi after long hours of trip. The receptionists were really kind and English-fluent. Not only them but also the other staffs were kind, but I had to check whether they are English-fluent, as some of them didn't understand it. New year welcoming gala dinner show was another impressive thing that I saw here. The programs and the food offered were what I liked and enjoyed there. Too bad that I had to get out to sleep early due to the next day's schedule, missing a new year countdown. The resort itself was really vast; I haven't seen all of its facilities including spa, swimming pool (Found out on the last day of the trip that the resort had a store; disregarding a market across the resort, it's really hard to find a grocery store nearby.) When I revisit Cambodia, I'm gonna look every place inside the resort. In overall, had nothing to complain about. Had a really comfortable rest during the trip. Thanks a lot Lisa, you helped me a lot during the stay.
I have found it quite hard to decide what rating to give Le Bokor Palace.
The hotel itself is in a stunning location on the top of Bokor Mountain with amazing views down to the ocean. It has lovely large gardens and within walking distance are a few of the old buildings which are worth taking a walk around. It takes about an hour in total to get to the top of the mountain if you don't stop anywhere on the way. The journey itself is very twisty.
Once you are at the hotel there is nothing else around so all meals and drinks must be taken at the hotel. Prices aren't too bad given the remoteness $3,50 for a
beer, $9 for a glass of wine, $10 for seabass etc.
The room was nice enough, definitely the nicest we've had in Cambodia, although by far the most expensive by at least $150 so I would expect it to be.
What we found strange about the hotel was that we were literally the only guests staying there. There were a few day visitors who came and looked at the scenery and then left. The hotel is fully staffed which meant that the staff had virtually nothing to do and therefore hung around us every time we went into any public area. I am sure some people may like this, feeling that they are being waited on hand and foot but it made us very uncomfortable and could not relax at all. Even when we were eating our food the staff were stood close by watching every mouthful.
The hotel is very grand and spacious but it gives it a bit of an eery feel when there's only you in there. They play pan piped music throughout the whole hotel, including the corridors which filters into your bedroom. It just gives the whole place a strange feeling.
All of the staff were very helpful and friendly, we have no complaints there at all, we just found the whole situation so surreal and weird. It seems like perhaps the management should re think their pricing strategy and lower their room rates a bit to attract other guests and at least make some money.
Sokha Angkor resort is good location in diem reap city
KORANY999 , Tripadvisor
, 05 January, 2019
is hotel was very good, the room is also very spacious and very beautiful there are many kinds of cuisines in the restaurant food is very delicious of fish. Cake of champa cafe is very delicious The swimming goolis also beautiful , all are staff very friendly, kindly, smile especially thanks Ms. Chetra, Ms. Davy and Mr chheab. Lobby so big and good smile .
Most recent booking for this resort: less than 12 hours ago from Malaysia. Don’t miss your chance to stay at Sokha Siem Reap Resort & Convention Center!