Hotel Reviews
Incredible view from a very hospitable place
opened. From the beautiful terrace you have a mountaintop view over the coasts of Cambodia and Vietnam. Lovely staff, top notch food (try the Crêpes desert) and a short trip to the beach, Kampot and the crab market at Kep. Definitely recommended for any tourist of means who wants to visit the eastern coast of the Gulf of Thailand.
the environment so beautiful and good at service and the lady Lyly is so beautiful and friendly. She can speak Chinese. During my guests check in, she told me a lot about hotel facilities to guests. Reangsey and bunren
选择这家酒店的原因是第一眼被酒店名字吸引到了。来到酒店前台,女服务员Lily非常阳光热情,服务很周到,考虑周到 环境优美,地理位置好,交通方便,房间舒适卫生,服务人员很热情,乐于提供各种帮助,早餐丰富。设施很人性化,网络高速信号好,窗外风景好。有特别的开床服务,房间小摆件的设计也很有特色。性价比不错,下次还要入住。环境非常不错,很富丽堂皇!房间也非常干净卫生,条件舒适,档次较高,房间宽敞,出行方便也比较的方便!是个非常不错的酒店!
Very good
My family come to dinner at lemongrass 10person Just arrived restaurant look nice good smell and service very fast Srey pich Tola Ty and Dara seav mey pumean maneger very friendly and very excellent staff .
Good great
This is a nice hotel . Lobby so beautiful WOW and staff at Champa always smile greating friendly . the room have good smell . Pool very big some staff at khmer bistro very lovely girl cute Srey pich . Tola she help me to take and some ice water and wifi . I really love this hotel EXCELLENT .