Hotel Reviews

    Reviewed 6 years, 21 days ago
   Tripadvisor on 01 October, 2018


A TripAdvisor China Membe    China
    Reviewed 6 years, 21 days ago
   Tripadvisor on 01 October, 2018

前台姑娘非常好,有礼貌,而且对中国人非常热情,泳池很大,赞!Ratha,dalin,sokunthrara,ratana 这几个姑娘特好,环境非常不错,而且这里泳池超大游泳非常舒服,早餐很丰富,这里治安非常好,有空可以来玩玩。吴哥窟非常伟大。也很雄伟。历史的古迹还是不错的。这里酒店很大,超级大。国内应该没有哪家酒店这么大,起码有十几20公里。,不过这里,楼普遍不高。附近有个夜市,可以去吃烧烤,找水蜘蛛,青蛙,很多东西,

417543603    Cambodia
    Reviewed 6 years, 21 days ago
   Tripadvisor on 01 October, 2018

酒店很不错,是当地最好的酒店之一,前台的 Ratha, Theara, Dalin, Rathana 也很好,自助早餐品种多,游泳池非常干净,大堂布满鲜花和绿植,我们一进来一股芳香扑面而来,仔细寻找竟然是从鸡蛋花里飘出来的,真是沁人心脾!在大厅坐一下,空调竟然非常冷!酒店房间很干净,就是床和国内比,还是有点小了,大概这是这边酒店普遍就是这样!本来想在酒店享受SPA,可是营业时间竟然是早上8点到下午6点,周日还休息!完全不适应国人出来旅游的时间安排规律!总体而言酒店能打到8.5分了

656924490    Cambodia
    Reviewed 6 years, 21 days ago
   Tripadvisor on 01 October, 2018

很不错的休闲旅游场所 轻松愉悦 休闲设施基本齐全,服务质量很好,有在家的舒服感.带家人,老人来也是非常舒适的享受,房间环境温馨,外配泳池娱乐,前台服务中文流利,热情周到,有问题也能及时配合处理,让人一天的旅游疲惫能得到极快的消除。 能很感觉到柬埔寨人民热情的民族风情,人文文化,纯朴质地的他国文化,酒店的环境也是清静舒适的,不受城市喧哗的影响。 ratha pengleap theara dalin.

913886670    Cambodia
    Reviewed 6 years, 22 days ago
   Tripadvisor on 30 September, 2018

圣卡宫殿酒店,宽敞明亮,住的干净舒适,空气清新,有四百多个房间,每个房间还有一个小阳台,可以观景,吸烟。还有很大的游泳池,供游客健身,还有健身器材,吃的也干净卫生,餐厅,客房,服务一流!这里入住鸡吴哥景区的售票处很近,是来吴哥游玩理想的住处!欢迎光临,更感谢前台 RATHA Chhunny Sokuntheara. 的协助办理!态度很好,服务一流!I LOVE everything here..........

471068223    Cambodia
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  Reviewed on March 27, 2024

Great hotel experience.

We spent 4 nights at Sokha Siem Reap. Its a beautiful hotel, with a beautiful pool. All the Stagg are so polite and attentive to your needs. We approached Lin the Receptionist and told her we felt our air conditioner was not working properly. It was... See More
Marc B    TripAdvisor
  Reviewed on October 04, 2018


环境干净,服务员很亲切 特别是服务员Chhunny nice 前台 sreylen beauty. Friendly helpfull i am really enjoy my stay 泳池很干净, 很大。 餐饮干净卫生!酒店配套齐全 每个不同的区域都配备泳池... See More
jielu2014   United States    Tripadvisor
  Reviewed on November 26, 2018

Wonderful hotel

That was a wonderful hotel in Siem Reap (4* hotel). The staff are helpful and friendly Ms.Pida, Chana, Chomrouen &Rathana they was so nice and always keep their smile and welcome when see me. Breakfast are delicious, pool and room are clean. I... See More
tangkhang168    TripAdvisor
  Reviewed on October 15, 2018


Thanks Nirodey for recommendation to me. I was stay there 01 days ago and went with my friednds .and that hotel it really nice for sleeing and silence place for us and can made us cut stressed too and people at there is very friendly i love... See More
ChanRatana W    Tripadvisor
  Reviewed on March 31, 2024

Great Hotel / Great People

The hotel was very nice, but the staff really made this a great place to stay. Huge thank you to Meanna, Buncha, and Bountherh just to name a few. Our room was very spacious, clean, and well appointed. The A/C worked great - which was a huge plus... See More
Charles B    TripAdvisor