房间 > 标准套房
- 客房设施
- 宽带网
- 有线电视频道与室内电影频道
- 彩色电视与遥控
- 咖啡用具与茶具
- 220伏交流电
- 电吹风
- 单独空调系统
- 迷你吧台
- 个人安全盒
- 离子电视(仅套房有)
- 个人桑拿与按摩房(仅限于皇家速卡套房)
- 单独阳台(所有可俯视游泳池的客房)
- 拖鞋与浴巾
- 单独浴缸与沐浴装置
- 卫生间电话
- 设备
- 两个为残疾障碍人士准备的房间
- 三个饭店与一个酒吧
- 游泳池(咸水)
- 茉莉温泉
- 汗蒸,桑拿和按摩浴缸
- 美容室
- 健身房
- 会议设施
- 商务中心

房间类型 | 特征 | |||||||
景致 | 数目 | 房间大小 | 楼层 | 床型 | 浴室 | 居住/占有期间 | Other | |
标准套房 | 标准套房 | 4 | 64 平方米 | 第三楼到第五楼 | 一张帝号大床 | 独立的淋浴装置与浴缸 | 帝号大床:2个成人与2个5岁以下的儿童 | A living area-room and dining area with kitchenette, cable color television, individual air conditioning, in-house telephone, Wi-Fi, a kettle with complimentary coffee and tea-making ingredients, mini-bar and personal safety Box. |
豪华的都市风光 | 柬埔寨寺庙景致或Sivatha大街的街景 | 144 | 38平方米 | 第一楼 到第五楼 | 一张好莱坞床,帝号大床或双床间 | 独立的淋浴装置与浴缸 | 好莱坞床/帝号大床/双床间:2个成人与2个5岁以下的儿童 | Cable color television, individual air conditioning, in-house telephone, Wi-Fi, a kettle with complimentary coffee and tea-making ingredients, mini-bar and personal safety Box. |
豪华的游泳池景致 | 游泳池景及私人阳台 在第二楼和第三楼 | 96 | 38 平方米 | 第一楼 到第三楼 | 一张好莱坞床,帝号大床或双床间 | 独立的淋浴装置与浴缸 | 好莱坞床/帝号大床/双床间::2个成人与2个5岁以下的儿童 | Cable color television, individual air conditioning, in-house telephone, Wi-Fi, a kettle with complimentary coffee and tea-making ingredients, mini-bar and personal safety Box. |
俱乐部套房 | 游泳池景及私人阳台 | 24 | 60 平方米 | 第四楼 | 一张好莱坞床或帝号大床 | 独立的淋浴装置与圆形浴缸 | 好莱坞床/帝号大床:2个成人与2个5岁以下的儿童 | Cable color television, individual air conditioning, in-house telephone, Wi-Fi, DVD player, Mini Bar, a kettle with complimentary coffee and tea-making facilities, mini-bar and personal safety box. |
行政套房 | 城市街景 | 6 | 127 平方米 | 第三楼到第五楼 | 一张好莱坞床与帝号大床 | 独立的淋浴装置与浴缸 | 好莱坞床/帝号大床:4个成人与2个5岁以下的儿童 | The Suite is designed for comfort with 2 bedrooms, a living area-room and dining area with kitchenette, cable color television, individual air conditioning, in-house telephone, Wi-Fi, a kettle with complimentary coffee and tea-making ingredients, mini-bar and personal safety Box. |
阿普撒拉套房 | 城市街景 | 1 | 110 平方米 | 第二楼 | 一张好莱坞床 | 独立的淋浴装置与浴缸 | 好莱坞床2个成人与2个5岁以下的儿童 | The Suite is designed for comfort with a living area-room and dining area with kitchenette, cable color television, individual air conditioning, in-house telephone, Wi-Fi, a kettle with complimentary coffee and tea-making ingredients, mini-bar and personal safety Box. |
皇家速卡套房 | 游泳池景及私人阳台 | 1 | 320 平方米 | 第五楼 | 两张好莱坞床 | 独立的淋浴装置与浴缸 | 好莱坞床:4个成人与2个5岁以下的儿童 | The largest and most dramatically situated suites of the hotel with separate living areas, magnificent terraces with full view of swimming pool equipped with table and chairs. The Suite is designed for luxury comfort with a formal lobby entrance, a spacious and comfort living hall, dining room with access to a private kitchen, massage and steam room. One master bedroom and second bedroom features a king-size bed. |