餐饮 > 占巴咖啡 & 酒吧

座位数: 可容纳64位客人 (48个座位,16张吧台椅)
座位数: 可容纳64位客人 (48个座位,16张吧台椅)

营业时间:早上6:30至晚上11:00 欣赏着速卡暹粒度假酒店及会议中心的葱郁园景,于占巴咖啡中度过悠闲的下午茶时光,或小憩一杯,或与零食共舞。


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There are 8 people looking at our website.


Recent Dignitary: The Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary was recently stayed at our Sokha Angkor & Sokha Phnom Penh.


Most recent booking for this resort: less than 14 hours ago from New Zealand. Don’t miss your chance to stay at Sokha Siem Reap Resort & Convention Center!


The resort is located in the town center. Over 600+ reviews from TripAdvisor Community has rated us “Excellent”.